The Safety Steps - A Simple Guide to Baby-Proofing Your Home
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Making your home safe for your new baby is an important task. It’s amazing what situations curious little people can get themselves into. It’s impossible to keep your eyes on your child at all times, so take some simple measures to help baby-proof your home and give you some peace of mind. A little goes a long way in ensuring your baby is safe to roam and explore.
Making your home safe for your new baby is an important task. It’s amazing what situations curious little people can get themselves into. It’s impossible to keep your eyes on your child at all times, so take some simple measures to help baby-proof your home and give you some peace of mind. A little goes a long way in ensuring your baby is safe to roam and explore.
The Gatekeeper
Whether you’re wanting to keep your baby within a certain bedroom or lounge room, or wanting to block them off from a staircase, or certain rooms such as the kitchen, a gate or barrier is a great addition to your home that will help prevent any unnecessary accidents. Using a barrier at the top of a steep flight of stairs is highly recommended if your baby sleeps or spends a lot of time on the top level of your house. They might be able to climb up, but coming down is a whole different story.
Cupboard Straps
Whether you’re wanting to keep your baby out of dangerous cupboards that contain cleaning products or kitchen knives, or keep them away from breakables and glassware, investing in some multi-purpose straps will end up saving you from worrying down the track. It’s also a good idea to move any dangerous substances to higher ground. Start keeping cleaning products and breakables in higher cupboards to safeguard against possible interactions.
Playpens are an extremely useful item to have in your home that will allow you the confidence to get jobs done while your baby happily plays. Whether you’re wanting to get some cleaning or cooking done, or you work from home and need some time to get a few jobs done, have a playpen will prove a valuable investment.
Manicures and Pedicures
Be sure to keep your little one's nails short and neat. Babies have a tendency to scratch themselves on the face if they escape the binds of a swaddle. It can be a little difficult to trim their nails if you have an active baby so take time and make sure you are in a well-lit area.
Bed Rails
We all know the fear of sleeping on a top bunk that has no railing. It’s hard to get a good night’s sleep knowing that with one overactive dream you could be toppling off the bunk and onto the floor. For a baby, even the lowest of beds would create a similar feeling. So, give yourself some peace of mind and install bed rails to ensure your baby won’t accidentally roll off the mattress. These rails can be kept right through the toddler phase and will give you years of use.
Light the Way
The use of nightlights makes checking in on your baby that much easier. You are far less likely to disturb your baby’s sleep by having a nightlight they will both comfort them and also provide you with enough light to be able to poke your head in and make sure they are okay. The last thing you want to do late at night is flick on the main light switch, wake your baby up, and then have to spend the next hour settling them again. Baby nightlights also come in a variety of styles and colours to suit your baby’s personality.
Ensure that you baby-proof your home at each stage of your baby’s development and adjust your safety measures to meet their growing heights, reach and needs. You can even go as far as crawling around your house to get a baby’s-eye-view of your home and spot any potential threats. After all, your baby is the most valuable item in your home, so do what you can to protect them against unnecessary accidents.