How To Make Your Home Baby Safe
Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Bringing a new baby into the world is a life-changing experience that you’ll be proud of for the rest of your life. Consequently. with the arrival of a baby you’ll need to look at your home in an entirely different way than ever before.
Bringing a new baby into the world is a life-changing experience that you’ll be proud of for the rest of your life. Consequently. with the arrival of a baby you’ll need to look at your home in an entirely different way than ever before. As your baby grows and becomes eager to explore their surroundings, you will need to ensure that you’ve conducted a thorough risk assessment before childproofing your home to prevent any potential accidents or mishaps. Thousands of children are taken to hospital each year after being involved in an accident in the home, so here’s our guide on how to make your home baby safe.
Identifying Risks Around The Home
First things first, you’ll need to carefully compile a list of potential risks and hazards that could pose a danger to your child. You should assess areas of the home where your child could fall or bang their head, as these are some of the more common accidents children will have. Then, compile a list of risks that you can easily minimise to prevent the chance of an accident occurring. Moreover, don’t wait until disaster strikes before deciding that you need to decide you need to improve home safety, as with some innovative childproofing products you’ll be able to take preventative measures.
Preventing Potential Hazards
To prevent potential hazards from causing accidents you should consult your risk assessment list, before adding action points to minimise the risk:
Sharp Objects
Keep sharp objects, such as scissors, staplers and kitchenware, well out of reach and locked away in drawers to prevent your child from accidentally cutting themselves.
Heavy Furniture and Items
Ensure all heavy furniture and items are fixed in place so that they cannot be accidentally knocked over, as this will prevent anything accidentally falling onto your child.
Trapped Fingers
Use hinge protectors on hinges such as those used on cupboards, ironing boards and deckchairs to prevent your child from accidentally trapping their fingers.
Stow Away Cords
Be sure to conceal lamp and appliance cords behind larger or heavier objects so that little hands can’t reach them, as tall lamps could fall over if your child pulls on the cord.
Block Off Stairs
Use baby gates at the top / bottom of stairs to prevent your little one from accidental falls. You should also use gates to shut off rooms with unavoidable potential hazards too.
Sharp Edges and Corners
Look to add cushioning or protection to the sharp edges of worktops and furniture items to prevent accidental bangs and limit injury should the worst occur.
Although there are many more potential hazards and risks around the home that you could identify than the ones discussed, these are just a few examples of how taking simple precautions can prevent accidents. Alongside the ones discussed throughout this piece, you should ensure to locate as many as possible to improve home safety for your child. But you never know, some of these measures could even prevent an accident for you too!